Список уровней самого распространенного оружия, Который Вы должны знать

Расскажите лучшие категории оружия для настройки вашего персонажа в Avowed, так как мы предоставляем список уровней, который оценивает их на основе их уровня мощности, начиная с самых сильных вариантов.

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В общении игры выбор идеального оружия значительно изменяет вашу боевую стратегию. Независимо от того, прорезаете ли вы противников мечом, вызывая заклинания, используя палочку, или точно ударяете по целям луком, разнообразие оружия может быть пугающим на выбор. Наш список лучших уровней оружия в Avowed разработан, чтобы помочь вам легче ориентироваться в этом выборе. В этом руководстве мы оценим лучшие категории оружия, основываясь на их сильных, слабых сторонах и оптимальном использовании, предоставив информацию о выборе оружия, которое лучше всего подходит для вашего игрового стиля.

Table of Contents
  • Типы оружия в признании
  • Список уровней лучшего оружия в Awowed
    • Лучшее оружие S-уровня
    • Лучшее оружие A-tier
    • Лучшее оружие B-уровня
    • Лучший c -Tier оружие
    • Лучшее оружие D-уровня

Обзор оружия в общепризнанном

Хотя, как известно, можно играть и без оружия, большинство игроков, скорее всего, предпочтут воспользоваться каким-нибудь необычным оружием, спрятанным в Живых землях. Это оружие с уникальным названием обладает уникальными чарами, которые при использовании дают полезные пассивные эффекты. Более того, эти основные чары могут быть усилены, а само оружие — улучшено. Это означает, что даже меч, найденный в начальной области Dawnshore, может оказаться полезным в конце игры.

Как известно, оружие существенно влияет на то, как вы ведете себя в бою, и понимание разнообразия оружия, имеющегося в вашем распоряжении, жизненно важно для того, чтобы стать профессионалом в игре. Кроме того, у вас есть возможность использовать два разных набора оружия одновременно, легко переключаясь между ними одним нажатием кнопки. Эта функция предоставляет больше возможностей и позволяет создавать разнообразные стили игры. Независимо от того, любите ли вы ближний бой, атаки на дальние дистанции или магию, идеальное оружие может значительно повысить ваши боевые качества.

Типы оружия в общепризнанных

В игре Avowed вы найдете разнообразный арсенал, состоящий из 14 уникальных категорий оружия. В эти категории входит одноручное оружие, двуручное оружие и оружие, предназначенное исключительно для использования вне игры. Кроме того, некоторые виды оружия предназначены для ближнего боя, в то время как другие наносят урон на расстоянии, а также есть такие, которые высвобождают магическую силу. Вот полный список типов оружия, которые вы можете использовать в игре Avowed:

1. Одноручный меч
2. Двуручный меч
3. Одноручный топор
4. Двуручный топор
5. Булава
6. Кинжал
7. Копье
8. Боевой молот
9. Арбалет
10. Длинный лук
11. Посох (для ближнего боя)
12. Магический посох
13. Короткий лук
14. Волшебная палочка

  • Аркебуза
  • Топор
  • Лук
  • Кинжал
  • Огромный топор
  • Большой молот
  • Великий меч
  • Гримуар
  • Mace
  • Pistol
  • Shield
  • Spear
  • Sword
  • Wand

Best Weapons Tier List in Avowed

In the game, The Grimoire stands out as the top weapon category due to its access to the most potent abilities, which encompass numerous elemental spells. These spells can serve multiple purposes, such as creating a path during exploration or serving as a clearing tool.

The bow proves to be an exceptional choice for long-range combat, especially when you enhance your stealth damage for precision sniper strikes.

When it comes to melee weapons, the Greatsword takes the lead with its Bleed Accumulation feature that inflicts substantial damage over time.

Lastly, a shield in an off-hand is ideal for a defensive playstyle, but can also be utilized offensively once you unlock Shield Bash, offering both defense and attack options.

Below is our complete tier list of all the best weapons in Avowed:

Ranking Weapon Type
S-Tier Grimoire
A-Tier Wand
B-Tier Dagger
C-Tier Great Hammer
D-Tier Great Axe

Best S-Tier Weapons in Avowed


In the game Avowed, the Grimoire stands out as the premier weapon due to its ability to grant access to the strongest abilities and magic spells in the game. Unlike other weapons that enhance their powers through passive skills, the Grimoire offers a wide variety of spells directly. While exploring, these elemental spells can be particularly helpful. To gain access to even better spells and lower costs, you can invest in Grimoire Mastery. If managing resources is challenging for you, blood magic can be beneficial. For optimal results, it’s advisable to focus on mastering one specific element, as there are limited passive skills available. We suggest combining the Grimoire with a wand or any other mainhand weapon. A disadvantage of the Grimoire is that it functions as an off-hand weapon and cannot be paired with a shield.


As a fan, I’d put it this way:

In this game, I’ve found that the bow is one of my go-to weapons because it deals extra damage in sneak attacks, thanks to the Sniper passive. Plus, you can add weakpoint damage for an amazing burst at a decent range. To maximize your range, focus on boosting Perception. For skills, I’d suggest going with Marksmanship to enhance my damage and Critical Strike to boost my burst.

Now, the bow has its drawbacks: it only targets one enemy and requires both hands to wield. But at the start of the game, before any passive bonuses kick in, it packs quite a punch. And as the game progresses, unique bonuses become available, making it a formidable weapon for single-target eliminations.


Equipping a shield in your secondary hand allows for a defensive playstyle, enabling you to block, parry, deflect, and safeguard effectively. Early on, unlocking Shield Bash as a passive skill is highly beneficial as it interrupts enemies and builds stun. Passives like Parry and Reflect significantly enhance your survivability. Consequently, this combo can be advantageous even if you donre not aiming for a tank-like playstyle. Moreover, having two weapons equipped provides more passive benefits than a single two-handed weapon. However, shields necessitate numerous passive skills to make the defensive capabilities worthwhile, with limited offensive advantages.


The greatsword has less ability to stun opponents, but its exceptional bleed effect propels it into the S-tier category. To take advantage of this feature, you’ll first need to activate the Bleeding Cuts passive within the Fighter skill tree. The bleed effect deals significant damage over time, effectively weakening targets after a powerful strike. Additionally, you can amplify its impact by combining elemental effects with grenades such as fire, resulting in multiple damage-over-time effects. In late game, pair it with Yatzli who applies frost and shock debuffs up to four times concurrently, making quick work of enemies.

Best A-Tier Weapons in Avowed


The Wand becomes an A-tier weapon in our top-rated enchanted weapons list due to its excellent compatibility with the grimoire as a combination weapon. It also stands out as a decent long-range weapon with numerous passives that enhance damage within the Wizard class tree. The Bounce passive is particularly beneficial, allowing you to strike extra enemies, making it a potent Area of Effect (AOE) weapon. However, its range is shorter compared to the bow, and its damage output is lower. Moreover, increasing its damage requires a substantial number of skill points, which places it beneath the bow in the rankings. Nevertheless, the wand remains an exceptional choice for dealing AOE damage at a distance overall.


In the game Avowed, although a one-handed sword might initially appear to be the ideal choice for a traditional sword-and-shield setup, an axe is actually the superior main-hand weapon. Axes deliver greater damage and have a stronger Stun statistic and Critical Hit percentage compared to swords. Interestingly, these advantages come at only a slightly higher stamina cost for your basic attacks.


In the game Avowed, pistols are an excellent choice for long-range combat due to their ability to be wielded in pairs, providing quick reloads. Additionally, you can accumulate double set bonuses with these weapons. However, keep in mind that this benefit comes at a cost – you’ll need twice as much material to continue upgrading them. To enhance your prowess, consider unlocking the Steady Aim passive ability, which temporarily slows time during aiming, and the Marksmanship skill to amplify damage output.

The pistols are restrained due to their limited range and absence of a sight for aiming, unlike bows. Despite this, the bow offers greater single-shot power and reach.


Swords, despite being less potent in terms of power and stun compared to axes, manage to hold their ground in the A-tier category due to a wider range of unique options and a greater variety in enchantment passives. For instance, The Last Light of Day is an effective early-game sword that comes with a robust survivability passive for those finding it tough to stay alive. In the third region of Shatterscarp, The Emperor’s Reach can be discovered at the Ancient Lakebed and offers an attack damage and speed boost on every enemy kill as its primary passive.

Best B-Tier Weapons in Avowed


In Avowed, daggers function as secondary weapons primarily for delivering critical strikes from stealth. They deal minimal damage and have a stun effect, but they’re not ideal for prolonged melee battles due to their weak performance. However, their increased chance of causing critical hits makes them valuable during stealth attacks using your Divine Thorn godlike ability. When paired with the Shadowing Beyond skill from the Ranger tree, you can become invisible and unleash that high damage multiple times within a single fight.


In the game Avowed, choosing to fight hand-to-hand can be an exciting choice due to the Iron Fists passive in the Fighter skill tree. This allows for some powerful attacks, but it requires dedication as you’ll need to consistently invest skill points to enhance your fists. If you don’t, your damage output will gradually decrease and become less effective.

On the plus side, opting for unarmed combat means you’ll save a significant amount of crafting materials since you won’t need to upgrade weapons. However, this decision also means you’ll forego many enticing enchantment passives that come with unique weapons in Avowed.

Best C-Tier Weapons in Avowed

Great Hammer

In the game Avowed, mighty Hammers serve as formidable two-handed weapons that can dish out substantial damage and high stun levels. Yet, their power comes with a tradeoff: they attack relatively slowly and consuming a significant amount of stamina for each strike. In swiftly paced battles, a missed swing from one could be detrimental. Hammers are moderately beneficial during the early stages of play or when game difficulty is low, but if you’re aiming to achieve the Path of the Damned milestone, it would be wiser not to wield one of these powerful tools.


In Avowed, spears function as one-handed weapons, offering a broad attack range compared to other weapons of its kind, making them ideal if you prefer maintaining some distance from your adversaries. Damage and stun attributes are comparable to those found on axe weapons. However, spears rank lower in our tier list due to the limited number of unique options available. The first unique spear you’ll encounter is Giant’s Slumber, which typically won’t appear until you’re well into the second region of Emerald Stair.


Maces, being one-handed weapons, deal more damage and cause greater stun than axes, but they have a slower attack speed as a trade-off. This might be acceptable at easier game levels, but in tougher combat situations, the slower speed can significantly hinder your performance. Also, similar to spears, there are not many unique choices available for maces. One exceptional choice is the Star of Unbeing, which has beneficial passive abilities, but you won’t encounter it until you reach Naku Kubel in Shatterscarp.

Best D-Tier Weapons in Avowed

Great Axe

In the game Avowed, it’s unlikely that the two-handed great axe would be your first choice for melee combat due to its slow swing speed, high Stamina consumption, and lower damage output compared to other weapons like a great hammer. Statistically, there seems to be no significant advantage in using a great axe over other options. However, if you’re set on wielding one, consider finding the unique great axe called the Seven Strivings in Dawnshore, the starting region. This axe has an enchantment that increases your movement speed upon defeating an enemy, but this benefit might not compensate for the drawbacks of using a great axe.


Mastering the Arquebus requires a high level of player skill as it excels when you consistently hit an enemy’s vulnerable area for a high critical chance. However, in the game Avowed, where group battles against numerous enemies are common, this skill proves less effective after the initial shot. Additionally, the Arquebus has a painfully slow reloading speed, making it challenging to fire a second shot promptly, which can be frustrating.

FAQs about Avowed Weapons Tier List

Is a sword and shield weapon best S-tier in Avowed?

Choosing a combination of a sword and shield as your main weapon setup is wise, offering superior protection and durability.

Which weapon is the best in Avowed?

As an avid gamer, I can’t help but be captivated by the Grimoire in Avowed. Unlike other weapons that lean heavily on passive skills from skill trees, this one offers direct access to potent spell abilities. It truly sets it apart as my go-to choice in the game.

How many weapon types are there in Avowed?

There are a total of 14 different weapon types in Avowed, plus the ability to fight Unarmed.

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2025-02-19 20:09